Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Blog

For the latest update, check out this post on the main blog, His Precious Gems.

Due to the lack of space on this account, I am no longer able to post pictures.  I started a whole new blog connecting our personal lives with our homeschooling life. 

Leave me a comment, email, call, text, rent a plane and write it in the sky, put up a billboard, whatever your choice of communication is and let me know if you would life the link. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

The school year is off to a roaring start

Each year, we start the first day off with a round of pictures.  Last year, Rebecca wasn't as cooperative.  To say the least, she was downright grumpy.
This year was no different.  However, after an emotional morning, we started over on the right foot, putting God first and had a great day.

We completed 3 days of school last week, taking Thursday off to clean and grocery shop and Friday off to celebrate Emily's birthday.  We are not doing a full course load until after Labor Day, savouring the last few days of summer, the pool, and no evening commitments (besides Wed. night church).
Today was day 4 and although I was exhausted by dinnertime, many things were accomplished.  We are reading through the Bible at the breakfast table and that has worked for us so far.  In the past, we have all gone our separate ways when it comes to Bible, each using a different level of a curriculum.  If God is to be the focus of our lives, it is imperative that we start our day together in prayer and scriptures.
After breakfast and Bible, one of the girls starts on math while the other practices piano.  Math was taking hours for Rebecca, not because she doesn't know how to do it (it is all review at this point, goodness), she has a way of procrastinating and acting dumb.  Today, I gave her 45 minutes and 2 helps.  She was finished with 9 minutes to spare.  After math and piano are complete, the girls have done English, Spelling and Vocabulary.
*Emily is loving Wordly Wise 3000 while Rebecca tolerates it.
We will add Science, History, and Geography next week.  I've never taken this slow of an approach to schooling before, but let me tell you, it works for us and we are all enjoying our days here at P.J. Christian Academy.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Treading new water

I feel as if I have left all that is familiar to me and am walking on new ground, so to speak.  I have always had everything laid out for me, as far as lesson plans go. LFBC has no teacher plans, no prep time, just child directed spiral notebooks with text and worksheets included.  It really is a great program if that is what you are looking for.
Last school year, we switched and I had a ton of copying lesson plans from the dozens of A Bens teacher manuals that I had. I spent hours copying lessons down, but in all reality, that was so much easier than what I am trying to do for this upcoming year.
We are leaving the textbooks behind with the exception of math and grammar and really am just coming up with my own things.
I started off with Emily's science and really started to just roll with it.  I guess you could call it charlotte mason with notebooking. I pulled out the topics covered in the A bens text that we will use over the course of the school year.  I started a notebook on the first topic, insects and other creepy crawlies. I spent hours typing up worksheets, looking for notebooking pages and fun activities. We have been to the library and checked out various bug books. And you know what? She has already learned a great deal of interesting facts about this topic just from reading and we haven't even begun our notebook.
I am doing the same for Rebecca's history. I am having more fun researching than she probably will in doing the actual work.
It is July and my house is covered in books. I never have school books out over the summer! Especially during the month of july!  I'm loving it. Love the planning, researching, and writing my own lesson plans!
But enough for today. We have a birthday to celebrate and a day of fun planned at the pool. 


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hand Art

This lion and elephant were made from Emily's handprint. They are at the zoo in cages. There is walking space between them with benches to sit and look at the animals. Made by Emily

Beautiful Art

'Sparkling Flower' by Rebecca

Friday, June 17, 2011

Keepers of the Faith

Keepers of the Faith is a program that I have wanted my children to participate in for years.  When the opportunity arose with a great group of homeschoolers, I jumped at it.  You may check out the Keepers Club here: Keepers of the Faith
We do it slightly different than the way he program is set up in ha he children earn paper badges o put in their notebook rather than patches to wear on a sash.  The girls meet in the library meeting room for 2 hours once a month.  They have worked on several badges under the great leadership of Mrs. Jen.  She is unbelievably creative and has the patience of Job.  I am so blessed to have her in our lives for the girls to look up to and to emulate.
The following photos are just a sample of activities that the girls have worked on this year.
In this meeting, the girls each brought blank recipe cards.  They were to go down the line, taking 2 different cards to put in their recipe books. 
 Here, Emily is working on her recipe book.  The girls decorated the cover of a photo album to slide their recipe cards in.

Another badge in the Culinary Arts section was to prepare certain snacks.  The girls made trail mix and served it to the boys and parents.  They also made popcorn which smelled delicious!

These two photos are from the meeting that the girls worked and completed the Rubber Stamping and Card Making badge.
As the school year concludes, so must our school activities.
We will have two months off for summer vacation (secretly jumping up and down) before resuming all of our regular activities.
Finally, I can sigh!  After the meeting today, we had our free smoothies at Tropical Smoothie for wearing flip-flops, accompanied with lunch, friends and family, topped off with a couple of hours a the pool.  Ahh! I LOVE SUMMER!
*The "t" key on my keyboard has been acting up so if there are missing "t's" through out the post, please forgive me.  I tried to catch them all.