Friday, June 17, 2011

Keepers of the Faith

Keepers of the Faith is a program that I have wanted my children to participate in for years.  When the opportunity arose with a great group of homeschoolers, I jumped at it.  You may check out the Keepers Club here: Keepers of the Faith
We do it slightly different than the way he program is set up in ha he children earn paper badges o put in their notebook rather than patches to wear on a sash.  The girls meet in the library meeting room for 2 hours once a month.  They have worked on several badges under the great leadership of Mrs. Jen.  She is unbelievably creative and has the patience of Job.  I am so blessed to have her in our lives for the girls to look up to and to emulate.
The following photos are just a sample of activities that the girls have worked on this year.
In this meeting, the girls each brought blank recipe cards.  They were to go down the line, taking 2 different cards to put in their recipe books. 
 Here, Emily is working on her recipe book.  The girls decorated the cover of a photo album to slide their recipe cards in.

Another badge in the Culinary Arts section was to prepare certain snacks.  The girls made trail mix and served it to the boys and parents.  They also made popcorn which smelled delicious!

These two photos are from the meeting that the girls worked and completed the Rubber Stamping and Card Making badge.
As the school year concludes, so must our school activities.
We will have two months off for summer vacation (secretly jumping up and down) before resuming all of our regular activities.
Finally, I can sigh!  After the meeting today, we had our free smoothies at Tropical Smoothie for wearing flip-flops, accompanied with lunch, friends and family, topped off with a couple of hours a the pool.  Ahh! I LOVE SUMMER!
*The "t" key on my keyboard has been acting up so if there are missing "t's" through out the post, please forgive me.  I tried to catch them all. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Decisions Made!

It's all about baby steps, right?  Today, I went to the free exhibition hall shopping at the homeschool convention for the first time since we started homeschooling in 2004.  Next year, I am definitely planning on going to the convention... at least to the used curriculum sale.  A HUGE thanks for my pal, Jen, for driving me and hanging out with me as I walked around in awe.
So, now that everything except Emily's grammar has been ordered or purchased, I have a better idea of what we are doing in the fall.  Want to have a sneak peak of what the girls are using?

Rebecca- grade 7
Bible- Daily Bible reading as a family and AWANA Trek Bk 2 Sept- May
Math- Saxon 8/7
Grammar- Bob Jones
Writing- IEW
Spelling- Spelling Power
Literature/Vocab- Eclectic mix of historical fiction, biographies, classics, and fun
Science- Apologia General Science
History- Ancient World History
Geography- Trail Guide to US Geography
Music Appreciation- Great Composers
Art/Art Appreciation- Ancient History Art
Piano- Alfred's Basic Piano
Physical Ed

Emily- grade 4
Bible- Daily Bible reading as a family and AWANA T & T Bk 2 Sept- May
Math- Saxon 5/4
Grammar- Bob Jones
Writing- IEW
Spelling- Spelling Power
Literature/Vocab- Eclectic mix of historical fiction (including American Girl), biographies, classics, and fun
Science- Unit studies of insects, plants, birds, matter, energy, geology, astronomy, and oceanography
History- American History through American Girl books
Geography- Trail Guide to US Geography
Music Appreciation- Great Composers
Art/Art Appreciation- Art through Nature
Piano- Alfred's Basic Piano
Physical Ed

I am looking forward to next year.  I have been having fun planning and coming up with my own notebooking pages.  THIS is why we homeschool!  I LOVE IT!