Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Welcome to P.J. Christian Academy in Midlo

After all this time, I have decided to take my home school blog public.  I love to journal about out journey through homeschooling.  I have another blog that I started several years ago solely for the purpose of homeschooling however, I put things on there that would be embarrassing to my children.  Out of respect to them, I will continue to keep that one private and start a new one.

I shall introduce myself and our school.  In our school, we have one superintendent, Jay.  His role is disciplinarian, audience to speeches and presentations, and takes the school on an annual trip to the Caribbean and Walt Disney World.

The teacher, myself, teaches several subjects a day, grades papers, takes field trips, acts as disciplinarian in the absence of the superintendent, housekeeper, nurse, prepares daily meals, gymnastics coordinator, and the list goes on.  I love my job!  Currently, I teach two grades simultaneously- sixth and third.

The students... there are only two students, but that is enough.  Sometimes the responsibility of these two feels like a classroom full of children.  They are smart, pretty, fun, easygoing, helpful, easily distracted, sometimes grouchy, and always desiring what the Lord would have them to do.  They have an arrange of emotions that are expressed in a simgle day from delirious laughter to angry words. 

The school is adequately named P.J. Christian Academy in Midlo.  The P.J. comes from the fact that we homeschool in our pj's.  We do not get dressed until it is time to go to one of our many activities.  Heaven help the person who stops by unannounced. :o) 
We are first and formost a christian family.  Each and everything we do is centered around Christ.  From our schooling to our activities to our attitudes, we strive to like a Christ-like life and let His light shine through us in all that we do.
The Academy and Midlo are pretty self-explanitory.  Academy is a place of study and we do some of that here.  And obviously, Midlo is an abbreviation of our city.

Thanks for taking the time to check out our blog on the many adventures in our homeschooling life.  And thank you for your patience as I set this up.  Please feel free to leave a comment!

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